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Written by: Ellaina Powers
Photos by: Dakota Pendleton/Leon Nguyen


With skyscrapers comes streetwear, which is especially true for Colorado’s own Denver fashion scene. The trends seen striding through today’s streets were once heavily influenced by early western attire, which has seemingly made a comeback–hats, boots, leather, heavy jewelry and the like are popping up on civilians and in designer lines more frequently. Originally, Denver Fashion Week started off as a singular weekend, but as the years went by the event became a magnet for up and coming designers, models, and photographers. By 2018, Denver Fashion Week was officially recognized as its own entity, and has only continued to grow since. Denver Fashion Week has served as an excellent platform for many avenues of fashion, especially the sneaker/streetwear scene, which has its own designated day during the week. This has not only attracted a whole new wave of designers, but has allowed them the space to grow within the industry. It seems far off from a western wardrobe, but trends are constantly and fluidly transformed by one another–cowboy boots are just as slick as Nike Dunks.


The scene has only continued to bloom within recent years, further cultivated by local creatives taking fashion into their own hands. The entity “Denver Models” hosted their first fashion show in 2022, which not only shone light on models breaking through in their careers, but also featured streetwear designers such as Adobe Darko, Ellie Paisley, Electric Bubblegum, and Grassroots California​​Prior to Denver Models’ show, designers had been expanding upon their personal projects like designer Kadir Kojo, who had already produced shows, including “Society vs. Passion”. This show featured designers like DREAM FIEND and was produced through his creative agency “Visual Studio 7”. 

Denver street fashion

Grassroots at Denver Model's Lift Off Fashion Show /Photo: Dakota Pendleton

Denver streetwear event

Designer Kadir Kojo speaking after his "Society vs Passion" Fashion Show /Photo: Dakota Pendleton

Eventually, his show would gain enough momentum to travel all the way to Brooklyn where it would debut during New York Fashion Week in 2023. The show, “To Die an Artist”, was a collaboration with creatives such as New York-raised Diverse Collection Hair Studio and producers Sedulous Design and Color Breeze. Models and collections from each city blended together, which served as a remarkable opportunity for the Denver streetwear scene to pick up traction and create a bridge between the two fashion-centered communities. 

DFW Streetwear
Street Fashion / Streetwear

Rage Runway's Veronica on 35mm film in New York /Photo Dakota Pendleton 

Other Denver designers, such as T’FUŁA ATTIRE would also go on to host two New York Fashion Week shows following up their debut in Denver, the most recent being “The 2nd Sequence” show. Mike Kouture, another Denver-born designer, just held a show in Brooklyn in September, self-titled “Kouture Night”. Cameron Connoly, the face of Sliv Life, has also spoken optimistically about branching out in a video by Director Lance Colbruno, saying, “This could be my last Denver fashion week…I hope to go to LA and New York.”

New York Underground fashion

Kadir in New York under the Empire State Building /Photo Dakota Pendleton 

Denver Streetwear

Though these designers have their sights set on expanding their reach outside of Colorado, the surge of fashion events within Denver has never been livelier. Sliv Life has done a tremendous job showing how Denver’s streetwear can have an impact on mainstream culture, doing so by landing in the wardrobe of musicians like Machine Gun Kelly, Trippie Redd, and the late Juice Wrld. This year alone, he has hosted and attended several streetwear events, including Thriftcon, which attracted the attention of thousands across the state. He recently hosted his annual Halloween Fashion Show. His past shows have featured brands such Toki Prism, Pyra Perspective, and Celestial Oceanz.


Kadir sewing final looks before the "To Die an Artist" show /Photo Dakota Pendleton 

Denver streetwear stands out for a multitude of reasons–the main being that since the scene isn’t oversaturated, designers aren’t competing for status. This allows for the creation of the truest, most authentic clothing imaginable; every designer is given the room to slip into their own avenue. Sliv Life veers towards a grungy and beat up style which expresses the grittiness found within everyday life, from battles with cancer and the search for sobriety. Other brands like Psych Design proudly promote mental health and wellness “through clothing and conversation”, and Junk shines light on the fast fashion epidemic.

MGK Sliv Life Denver

MGK wearing his Sliv Life Jeans at Massachusetts's The Big E opening night /Photo Leon Nguyen

Junk debuted at Spring 2024 Denver Fashion Week as a collaboration between designers Staxx and D0gHa1r. Staxx’s New York Debut would be part of VS7 x Diverse Collection Hair Studio’s show titled “To Die an Artist”. Afterward, he and D0gHa1r would host a plethora of events featuring other local designers like Menaz, Slime Ball 4 Life, Göre, and more. From formal fashion shows to pop ups, musicians, vendors, and even caterers such as OG Chef Pacc’s Trap would attend to help support the growing scene. Staxx and D0gHa1r sat down with Cultive Media to bring a designer’s insight to the Denver streetwear scene…

Denver Streetwear Pop Up

Staxx and D0g Ha1r's first IOTBYS (It's Okay To Be Yourself) pop-up /Photo Dakota Pendleton

“Creating fashion has been an incredibly healthy outlet for me,” starts Staxx, when asked what originally brought him to create clothing, “Real Go Gettas originally started as a music group between my friends and I. However, I branched off from making music and began my career in fashion. Junk is aimed towards raising awareness, and it is truly the best form of expression I have experienced.” It isn’t just wearing/styling clothes that allows for true, limitless expression–the creation behind them is just as vital. D0gHa1r replies by saying, “In my youth I enjoyed making clothes before I knew I was making clothes, by painting or drawing on used clothing. In high school I started creating clothes for myself, then I found the key to my self-expression and discovered how intimate clothing is.”


The creative process is a mix of personal inspiration and social influence, fluctuating person to person. Every Denver designer is part of a larger picture, and that is the overall culture being cultivated within the Denver streetwear scene; it’s a team effort to keep it alive. “Not enough love is shown,” Staxx answers, explaining what he thinks would make the scene grow even more. He later goes on to say that if creatives can push past any pride or envy they may feel, it’ll keep the industry from collapsing. Competition isn’t necessarily bad, but when it becomes aggressive instead of opportunistic, growth can be stunted. D0gHa1r brings up another example as to what needs to change within the community, “Denver needs to be more willing to support locals. It seems like the city has more loyalty to artists and trends outside of the state. If Denver can move past that, I believe the whole creative market would benefit.”

Denver streetwear designer

Staxx behind the scenes of a model shoot in prep for "To Die an Artist" Fashion Show /Photo Dakota Pendleton

Street Fashion Pop up

Menaz and his crew at the first IOTBYS pop-up /Photo Dakota Pendleton

The Denver scene has a unique privilege, as since it is smaller than the likes of New York, it allows more room for individual and mutual expansion–the hard work is more likely to receive a satisfying reward. “The most fulfilling part of this journey has been watching my pieces, my art, grow with me,” states Staxx, “Fashion saved my life.” For D0gHa1r, it’s not only the art that’s rewarding, but the connections it has provided him with. “Working alongside Staxx for half a decade has been sick. The things we have been able to create and accomplish, as well as people that our efforts have made an impact on, is very rewarding.” No matter how art is performed, it acts as an extension of the creator, not only aiding them in their own personal journey, but showing the world around them how they most need to live. “We have love for anyone who supports the work Staxx and I create. [We] strive to develop further.” Junk, D0gHa1r, and Real Go Gettas are forever intertwined in the Denver streetwear scene, just as every other creative project that’s been born on Coloradoan avenues. As creatives both new and established continue to evolve, the Denver scene will too, directly reflecting the love, support, and effort of those keeping it alive.

Underground Streetwear Fashion

Sliv Life and @fuckupluna promoting a new drop /Photo Dakota Pendleton

Cultive would like to thank Staxx, D0gHa1r, and all the creatives who contribute to the Denver streetwear scene. You can shop Junk here. This is just a small insight into the Denver streetwear scene. We encourage our readers to seek out their own favorite clothes, follow designers, and attend pop-ups, fashion shows, and vendor events. 

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